Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wisdom Teeth

It's been a couple of crazy weeks since I've been able to update.  Lots of things happening here at Hillsong Church and in Hillsong College.

Colour Conference! (Yes, with a "u"! As the Aussies do) What an amazing time to be here at Hillsong Church.  Taken from the Colour Conference webpage, "Our passion and labour is to place value upon womanhood, so that we in turn can arise from a place of strength and cohesion and place value upon fellow humanity."  What an awesome thing to be a part of!  Placing value and wort hon women so that they can go back home to their communities and families and place value on all those around them. When women can grasp how beautiful and powerful they are, God uses them in mighty ways for His cause.  What so inspired me was the way the entire church gathered around this cause of Colour.  Men and women, young and old, paid pastors and volunteers! They all labored to help Bobbie Houston achieve the vision that God gave her. 

Some of the 10,000 women in attendance! 
There is something powerful in unity.  When a church body joins together for a single vision breathed by the Holy Spirit, lives are changed forever.  And in the case of this conference, over 10,000 women!! God has been teaching me so much about following the God given visions of the pastors and/or leaders in authority over me.  Rather than doing my own thing and fighting for just my own dreams; when God has placed someone over me it is important that I labour for their vision too.  Someday, when He opens all the right doors, I will be able to pursue the deep, God-given dreams. But until then, I must steward where He's placed me.  

At Colour I got to serve with kids! Three and four year olds to be exact! Goodness it was fun! And tiring... 3 days of 7am to 10:30pm! Most of the time watching over 40 - 60 kids! The Lord so blessed and humbled me in the those three days.  I wish I could explain!! It was incredible seeing these children experience God through simple worship and story time.  Wow!! 

Before with Beautiful Allie
After...chipmunk cheeks.
And the culmination to these crazy weeks!!! I got my wisdom teeth taken from me...ouch.  They came in quick and fast and painful and the dentist decided it was best to take them here in Sydney.  So a couple days later...and wah lah! 

Unfortunately the healing process is taking way longer than I had hoped.  Day 4 and I'm still chubby chipmunk! In quite of bit of pain but I guess that's to be expected. Been on bed rest and haven't left the flat since surgery.  Thank you for all your wonderful prayers!! They mean so much to me.  God's been working hard and fast and it seems the enemy is fighting back too.  But victory is already the Lord's! I love you all! And miss home tons but love being here at the same time.  God is good. 

Sydney Skyline

Friday, March 2, 2012

My "Average" Week

Wow.  I've noticed almost every blog entry starts with "Wow."  I guess it is because I do not have any other words to express what I am thinking.  God continues to show up, continues to work in my life, and is continually faithful.  Thank you for your continued prayer and support!! I so need it and I definitely feel it.

I wanted to share with you what my average (as if you could even call it "average") scheduled week looks like.

Monday: Class for most of the day.  Evening meet/hang with fellow students.
Tuesday: Class for most of the day. College Chapel workshops. Connect Group every fortnight.
Wednesday: Day off!  Assessment/homework time. Naps. Recover. Naps.
Thursday: Class for most of the day.  Creative Team nights.
Friday: Class for most of the day. Evening meet/hang with fellow students.
Saturday: Street Teams ministry all morning.  Church for most of the evening.
Sunday: Church all morning and most of the evening. Assessments/homework in between church.

I'm normally up between 5:15-6:30am and go to sleep around 11pm-12am.  Twice a week I have to be at church by 6:30am.  Twice a week I'm normally at church until 9:00-9:30pm.  I hear sermons 5x/week (not including class lectures which are pretty much sermons in themselves) and participate in praise and worship (on and off platform) 5x/week.  Add in the disciplines of daily devotionals, practices, working out, cooking, cleaning, and hygiene with the need to socialize and have fun time and I am one busy girl.

God is teaching me the necessity of discipline and seeking Him first.  Without Him and His Word I would not have enough energy!! Also, by realizing my cause and my purpose are founded in His love and in His Being, the things that seemingly would tire me out actually energize me.

But please continue praying for me!! I'm also learning the art of saying "no."  I have to prioritize what I value and what God is calling me to first.  Unfortunately, I can not do everything.  Wish I could!

 I'm always praying that those who read this are encouraged to follow harder after God.  Love you!

Street Team Maroubra 

Beach day with Hanna from Sweden

What I do at Hillsong

Here's a little insight for all you curious as to what Hillsong College is like: